Friday, September 21, 2012

Thankful for Friday

I woke up this morning to a beautiful clear-blue-skies day. The past week has been rainy and overcast and I thought that fall had crept up on us early this year. But now it looks like we'll still be blessed with a few more days of summer before it's sweater and jacket time.

I couldn't be happier that it's weekend. The past week has been one of those never ending sucking-the-life-out-me type of weeks. Even though I have nothing to complain about, it just felt very very long.

Today, maybe because of the beautiful weather, I'm feeling very thankful and blessed for all the amazing people in my life. Every morning on my commute to work, I think of ten things that I'm thankful for. This morning, my family and best friends popped into my head.

I'm so thankful for my caring, incredibly loving and supportive family. They are a crazy, silly bunch of people and I love them to death. And I'm so blessed to have so many friends that I know love me so much, even though we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. I hope you guys know how much I love and appreciate you.

I'm also thankful that it's Friday and that I get to spend the weekend with The Boyfriend. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Be safe and have fun!

What are you feeling thankful for today?


  1. Im family !!!!!! And I love u more than words could ever explain. Have a super weekend and make sure the Boyfriend spoil you.... From a cold rainy Bredasdorp. Love Mama. Xxxxxxxx

    1. So lief vir Mamma en waardeer jou so baie! Geniet die naweek en veilig wees. <3 you! xxx

  2. My husband, our dog, my parents, and my great-grandparents. I know I should mention my brother, but he has been having a lot of problems for years.

    1. Wow, you still have great-grandparents? That's amazing. I only ever knew my great-grandmother, and she passed away when I was in elementary school. Hope you're having a nice weekend! :-)

  3. so thankful for the beautiful weather this past weekend, my beautiful baby niece, and lovely friends!

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